Woodland Tree Planting

Product Details

Our Woodland Tree Planting Project

“Plant a Tree” for Climate change

Match-funded by The Empty Box Company £1 for £1

This is a simple opportunity to help offset your Empty Box delivery & be part of a real Tree Planting Project. The Empty Box Company’s aim is to help regenerate the British countryside, to combat Climate Change & species loss, by planting 1000 British native trees, and creating wildflower meadows for wildlife.

We have planted 150 trees to date & would love your help!

Every £1 donated will be matched by The Empty Box Company, and we are actually planting the trees! Managed by our Conservation director Giselle Hulme, the trees include native Beech, Oak, Ash, Sweet Chestnut, Silver Birch, Hazel, Willow, Blackthorn, & fruit trees such as Medlar, Apple & Plum; They will enhance wildlife, & capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
We also currently have 15 acres of meadow, for more immediate carbon capture. Meadow grasslands can store up to 3 tonnes of carbon per hectare per year.

Every penny of your contribution will go directly towards buying & planting a native British tree, or to meadow plants & management, as well as being match funded by The Empty Box Company.

This is part of our signed Declaration to Devon Climate Emergency:

We have signed the Devon Climate Emergency Declaration to investigate all areas of our business to further reduce our carbon footprint, & reach net zero asap.

Our steps include using environmentally friendly materials where possible, to use green energy & minimise fossil fuel use, to recycle, reuse & reduce, and to inspire eco friendly awareness in staff & customers, plus our Green projects.

Proud to be an Eco friendly company, keeping environmental protection at the forefront. Rest assured you are buying a genuine Green Product, made with thought, care & entirely handmade in Great Britain.

For further information on our Environmentally Friendly products.

Or for more information on our Green Projects please email giselle@emptybox.co.uk


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